How can your brand benefit from the new era of the Internet?

There is no denying the rapid pace of evolution in technology, terminology like ‘AI' and ‘Web3’ are now bandied around the side lines of Saturday sport. It can be easy to get lost in buzzwords, but Accenture’s definition of the metaverse as 'an evolution of the internet that enables a user to move beyond 'browsing' to 'inhabiting' in a persistent, shared experience’ does sum up the evolution of technology available to every business out there - and the Curiious platform - quite succinctly. 

While we ensure utility and ROI are in-built - no gimmicks - we also find that dwell times on our platform outperform benchmarks for flat web pages. The reason being, an immersive experience enables many more opportunities to interact. We draw the analogy of inviting someone to step foot in the shop, vs browsing a flat brochure. Its opportunities offer a huge differentiator in how businesses reach, engage, delight, convert and foster consumers that are so exciting to unpack.

From the customer's perspective

Today's consumers are more than open to purchasing online, even when it comes to large (80% of car purchases) and luxury (nearly one quarter of the value of the global personal luxury goods market was bought online) items. Immersive web experiences offer an opportunity to fully engage customers and take an online shopping spree to the next level by enabling unique brand experiences. 

Whether a brand team has chosen to gamify to their heart's content, run contests, or host live sessions with a design team - these interactions are the occasion for consumers to really dive into a brand and become a member of a community of like-minded enthusiasts.

We know that consumers want to be part of the story when it comes to the brands they love the most. Giving shoppers the means to engage longer with your brand, while leaving their own mark on the perpetual world in which it lives, pleases those who purchase and entices everyone else who is considering getting to know your brand better to move further along their buying journey. 59% of consumers say user-generated content is the most authentic type of content - we say, give consumers a branded forum for exposure to the information that incentivises them most and interactive tools to let them get really involved.

From a brand perspective

While consumers swap stories touting your products and services, a brand team has the advantage of gleaning rich analytics. From quantitative data such as what information is most frequently viewed, to qualitative feedback and user posts, these statistics can be used to guide future campaigns, product releases and more. By marrying the data gleaned from an immersive space with traditional forms of customer, financial and operational information, a brand lands a goldmine of actionable insights on your most important audiences.

While fresh approaches can bring with them a sense of trepidation, they also deliver limitless possibilities. Curiious have overcome the risks of metaverse environments on the decentralised blockchain by creating fully branded, secure and safe worlds which are entirely managed by a brand's team.

From our seat at the forefront of new technology we enjoy connecting with those who have questions, or are wondering from the wings! Reach out for a chat, we’d love to show you the results that taking a brand immersive can deliver.

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On accessibility in immersive